How to Prepare Your Dog for Surgery

The thought of your pup needing surgery and going under anesthesia can be frightening for any pet owner. It doesn't matter if it's for dental cleaning, dog spaying, dog neutering, or to repair a fracture, pet surgery can cause a range of emotions. The good news is we at Apex Animal Hospital in Langley, BC, are here to help you get the support you need.

Planning for Surgery

Touch base with your vet to ensure that your pet has all the vaccines and tests needed for the surgery. This can help make the day of surgery go smoother for everyone. You also want to make sure that you pick a time that is right for you so you won’t feel rushed when it's time for the surgery.

The Day before

  • Prep a recovery area. Be sure it's a quiet space away from other pets and small children. Have a comfy bed on the floor and keep everything the pet needs close by so he doesn’t don't need to jump or walk around too much.
  • Call your vet and discuss any pre-op instructions including when to stop food and water, and what time you should arrive at the animal clinic.

The Day of Surgery

Make sure your pet doesn't eat or drink anything. This can cause them to aspirate during surgery. Also, follow any instructions the vet gives you before the surgery. Failing to follow the instructions could result in complications for your pet or result in needing to reschedule the surgery.

Get Vet Care, Dog Spaying, Dog Neutering, Pet Surgery, and Animal Clinic Services from a Veterinarian Near You at Our Animal Hospital

If you're looking for a veterinarian near you in Langley, BC, our team at Apex Animal Hospital is here to help. We offer a range of services and are committed to keeping your pet healthy and happy. Give us a call at (604) 514-1444 for vet care, dog spaying, dog neutering, pet surgery, and animal clinic services from a veterinarian near you at our animal hospital.